APPG Inquiry: Creating Intergenerational Communities

Co-chaired by Lord Best and Anna Dixon MP, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People (opens new window) Inquiry is focusing on creating mixed-age communities, both in mainstream and specialist housing. 

Launched on 4 March 2025, the Housing LIN is proud to be the Inquiry Secretariat and this ‘microsite’ provides background information about the Inquiry and will also provide regular news updates and progress reports on the year-long APPG Inquiry.

And if you are interested in intergenerational or multigenerational housing more generally, you can find a range of other useful resources, reports and examples of practice on the dedicated Intergenerational Housing pages curated by the Housing LIN.

Further Details

Terms of Reference

Building on previous HAPPI reports on housing for an ageing population, this Inquiry will focus on fostering mixed-age communities in both mainstream and specialist housing. It will draw on evidence from the latest research, policies, and practices, as well as professional insights and personal experiences. A key emphasis will be on creating intergenerational communities.

It will seek: 

  • to understand how to improve the intergenerational experience of older people, based on where they live and their surroundings.
  • to explore what good looks like for new developments (public and private) which create intergenerational communities for enhanced health and wellbeing for older people.
  • to use the lessons learned to inform new housing development and placemaking not least in New Towns and on Grey Belt land.
  • to make recommendations to government; Homes England; Greater London Authority; regional and local authorities/planning authorities; the National Health Service; investors; designers; developers; and housing, health and social care providers.

Inquiry Membership

The APPG Inquiry membership is made up of Parliamentarians and Specialists as follows:


  • Gideon Amos MP (Liberal Democrat, Taunton and Wellington)
  • Lord Richard Best (Co-Chair of the APPG) (Crossbench)
  • Neil Coyle MP (Vice Chair of the APPG)
  • Anna Dixon MP (Co-Chair of the APPG) (Labour, Shipley)


  • Jenny Buterchi, Partner, Architecture, Later Living & Care, PRP
  • Rachel Crownshaw, Group Managing Director, Communities, Places for People
  • Rama Gheerawo, Director and Founder, INSTILL
  • John Glenton, Executive Director of Care and Support, The Riverside Group
  • Fiona Howie, Chief Executive, Town and Country Planning Association
  • Kevin McGeough, Head of Strategy and Placemaking, Ebbsfleet Development Corporation
  • Charlotte Miller, Co-Director, Intergenerational England
  • Michael Voges, Chief Executive, Associated Retirement Community Operators
  • Frances Wright, Head of Community Partnering, TOWN

Inquiry Timetable

There will be three Inquiry Panel sessions in 2025/2026, in addition to the launch event.

At these meetings, ‘witnesses’ will be invited to give evidence to help inform the Inquiry’s deliberations.

Further details about the Inquiry schedule will follow, including a call for written submissions.

Inquiry Secretariat

The Housing LIN has been Secretariat to many of the APPG’s Inquiries and author of the resultant influential HAPPI reports. The Housing LIN is delighted to be invited to be the Secretariat to this Inquiry.

Our Secretariat Team is led by Lois Beech, Consultancy and Partnerships Manager, along with Hannah Wix, Research Officer, at the Housing LIN. They are supported by Ian Copeman, Business Director, and Jeremy Porteus, the Housing LIN’s Chief Executive.

Inquiry Funding

This APPG is grateful to The Riverside Group and Places for People for sponsoring this Inquiry.

Call for Evidence

Information to follow.

News updates


For enquiries relating to this inquiry, contact: (opens new window) or follow us on LinkedIn (opens new window) or BlueSky (opens new window).

For any press enquiries, please email our communications’ team at:


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