Housing LIN video case studies: A New Crowdfunding Opportunity
Help us amplify the story of specialist housing
We need your support to help to raise £60k to bring 'Season 2' of the Housing LIN video series to life!
31st August
About Extra Care Housing
Over the last two years, the Housing LIN has produced a series of highly-praised videos that put the Spotlight on Extra Care Housing. Thanks to the support of our network, we were able to visit dozens of locations around the country and share the perspectives of some of the people who design, build, manage, work at and – most importantly – live in these schemes.
Collectively, the series has been viewed almost 8500 times, not including screenings at local and national events, and with a continually growing online and social media audience, attracting a twitter following at #ECHvideos.
We want to raise our ambitions and build on the success of these videos to produce a new set of films that delves even deeper into the world of specialist housing for older and vulnerable people, highlighting some of the innovations, projects, professions and personal stories that are crucial to the future success of the sector, but are often overlooked.
Now, we need your help deciding which areas to focus on, where to film, and raising up to £60k to make housing with care go viral.
In the conclusion of the last series, we asked about the Future for Extra Care Housing, and the answers were as diverse as our older generation themselves. As the sector evolves to meet the needs of our ageing society, some of the key factors we think will shape this future include:
- Rightsizing: when is the right time to move in later life?
- Collaborative living and community-led housing projects
- DesignAge: design innovation in products and adaptations
- Homes for all ages: intergenerational living
- Re-enabling lives: the role of occupational therapists
- Urban planning and healthy neighbourhoods
- Addressing the needs of rural communities (as highlighted in HAPPI4)
- Specialist developments for groups including BME communities and LGBTQ+ individuals
- Transforming independent living: better provision for people with learning disabilities
We plan to film up to six of these topics in this round, but we would value the input of our network on what to focus on. Which of these areas are most important to you? Which could be better understood by the sector or the public? Do you have any examples of exceptional practice or innovative work? Please get in touch and let us know!
Having found the best case studies, we will use the Housing LIN's unique reach and freely available resources to share their experience and learning with as wide an audience as possible.
Perhaps even more importantly, there is an increased recognition of the value of listening to and learning from those with lived experience. Some of the highlights of our first series came from hearing the personal stories of people living and thriving in Extra Care developments, and this is something we plan to emphasise even more in this second round.

Although the series has been primarily aimed at our professional network, our most popular film to date, titled 'What Is Extra Care?' explained the concept and benefits of this model of housing for a general audience. This film has been screened at a number of promotional events, whilst online viewers continue to increase week on week since it was launched over a year ago.
Hot on the heels of our recent later living report with Shakespeare Martineau, we plan to make a new film on downsizing - provisionally titled 'When Should I Move? Rightsizing in later life'. So often we hear residents in Extra Care Housing say “this was the best move I ever made”, or “I should have moved earlier!”, while professionals often speak of the huge impact that could be made if more people made the decision to move. In this video we will speak to people at different stages of the process about their personal experiences, making the decision to 'downsize', finding out about their options and sources of help and advice, and their feelings before and after moving into specialist, retirement housing.
The videos will be promoted on the Housing LIN YouTube channel and social media, as well as featuring on the Housing LIN website and in direct communications with our extensive network of members.
We would also encourage the use and sharing of these videos by our sponsors and other organisations, as well as displaying them at events organised or supported by the Housing LIN.

In addition to any specific schemes showcased, sponsors will receive:
- On-screen credit in each video (Name / Logo)
- Credit and link on Housing LIN Video Guide series webpage (Name / Logo, brief description & link to organisation's homepage)
- Credit and link in YouTube description for each video (Name & link to organisation's homepage or YouTube channel)
- Acknowledgement in all press release, promotional and marketing material
We need to raise £60k and are looking for up to 12 crowdfunders. Are you able to contribute a minimum of £5k plus VAT each to fund these videos?
If so, please email us at info@housinglin.org.uk so we can get in touch with you to discuss our plans in greater detail and also find out what assistance you can offer.