Welcome to the Housing LIN website

I started the Housing LIN with a belief that when great people come together and share ideas, inspirational things happen.
We are at the forefront of connecting people, exchanging ideas and sharing resources to help shape and influence the way we think about and deliver housing with care for an ageing population.
I hope you find the range of ‘free to view’ information on the site and our comprehensive set of learning and improvement resources of benefit.
If you are a first time visitor to our site, we are a professional network supporting people working in housing, health and social care to provide the latest policy, practice, research and innovation in housing with care for older and vulnerable people.
The Housing LIN also has a particular focus on extra care housing due to our previous incarnation overseeing the Department of Health's Extra Care Housing Fund (2004-2015) and our current knowledge and information exchange also supports to the Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund (2015-2018).
Now independent of the Department, we work closely with and are grateful for the continued in-kind support and sponsorship received from organisations who value our learning and improvement ethos. This income enables us to:
- produce free, high-quality publications and maintain our unrivalled online learning resources
- keep you informed of ‘cutting edge’ policy and practice developments, and
- provide you with networking opportunities with the ‘best in class’, such as our ‘in demand’ regional events and annual conference.
If you would like to become Housing LIN network member, simply subscribe to our weekly bulletin HLINks and/or sign up to receive notification of forthcoming Housing LIN events with people with similar interest in your region.
It has never been so important to keep up-to-date with the latest information, intelligence and innovation in the sector. I hope you will get networked with the Housing LIN.
Yours sincerely
Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive
Housing LIN
Jeremy's blogs & articles
- Jeremy Porteus Biography (opens new window)
- Jeremy's Blogs
- Rural Housing for an Ageing Population: Preserving Independence (HAPPI 4) (opens new window)
- Age-friendly housing: Future design for older people (opens new window)
- Housing our Ageing Population: Positive Ideas (HAPPI 3) - Making retirement living a positive choice (opens new window)
- Information is power in older people's housing (opens new window)
- Capital gains - London's ageing population (2015) (opens new window)
- Housing skills and learning in a new health and social care landscape (2013) (opens new window)
- Housing our Ageing Population: Plan for Implementation (HAPPI2) Report (2012) (opens new window)
- Living Well At Home Inquiry (opens new window)
- Living Labs: a brave new world of customer driven extra care housing (opens new window)
- Housing, prevention and early intervention at work: a summary of the evidence base (opens new window)