3 Way Partnerships in Extra Care

Jean Bray 28/03/12 General Housing Topics

I am currently working on a scheme that will have three partners delivering, care, housing suport and housing management respectively.
Are there any schemes that are being run similarly? Would be interested to see how things through a discussion.

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Lorraine Mansfield 18/04/12

Hello Jean

We have an extra care scheme in Stratford that is run using another provider to deliver the care and the restaurant facilities to our residents, we deliver the support and the housing management. I am not sure if this will be much help, but it needs a lot of communication between all parties involved to ensure that everyone is working to offer a seamless service to the residents. Regular hand over meetings and meetings with higher managerment to ensure that all aspects of the service are discuss and if needed new ways of delivering the services are offered.. We have a scheme manager who will run all these meeting and we did have a few difficulties when it first started, the biggest challenge was to get the care provider to understand that their staff were working in Extra care and not delivering care to the community which works differently. We are now 18 months down the line and things are improving all the time. We also have spot contracts and not a block contract which for the care provider has created some challenges.

Lorraine Mansfield
Orbit Heart of England