Allocations Procedures

Old forum user 20/04/05 General Housing Topics

We - South Yorkshire Housing Association - are developing an Extra Care scheme in Glossop. Colleagues from the council are keen to see different examples of polices for allocating places in Extra Care scheme. Are there any membes of this network who would be willing to share their polices with us?

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Old forum user 09/05/05

Hi Eamonn
I am in the same boat as you - we are currently working on allocation criteria for a new extra care scheme and I would be very grateful to see copies of exisitng good practice rather than re-inventing the wheel

Old forum user 13/05/05

We have an Allocation Policy that has been agreed between the 7 DC/BCs, the County Council, Health and SP as commissioners and with all provider services with whom we contract. I hope that it is attached - if not I will email it to you !!