Assessment of sheltered housing stock

Kieren Johnson 23/06/15 General Housing Topics

We are looking at commissioning an independent assessment of our sheltered housing stock and would appreciate any information from others who have undergone a similar exercise, including who you commissioned to carry out the assessment.

Many thanks

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Peter Fletcher 24/06/15

The Northern Housing Consortium and Peter Fletcher Associates have developed a Sheltered Housing toolkit - please see attached file.

If you are a member of the Consortium you are entitled to a 10% discount on any work that is undertaken by PFA

Mike Angell 25/06/15


At Halton Housing Trust we carried out a review of our Stock and Service Delivery for our sheltered Housing Service.
We used PDW for both the review and also the subsequent project management of the implementation of the our new Amethyst Living Service
Would definitely recommend making contact with them - happy to discuss process etc further with you want to contact me directly
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Kieren Johnson 02/07/15

Really appreciate your responses and I am following up these leads.

Many thanks