CSCI & Extra Care

Old forum user 04/08/05 General Housing Topics

I am writing to ask if anyone knows what the proposals are to clarify the position of Extra Care and the thorny issue of 'registration' following the publication of the 'Interim Policy and Guidance' by CSCI on 29th June 2005, especially to assist the local authorities developing new schemes in readiness for submission to the DoH Extra Care Fund 2006/07.

This interim policy and guidance was produced as a result of Alternative Futures Ltd de-registering a number of care homes for them to become supported living services and their appeal against the decision of CSCI and the decision of the Care Standards Tribunal.

The interim policy and guidance identifies the speculation expressed about whether the decision of the Court of Appeal may bring Extra Care housing into the definition of a care home. Although it also recognises that the development of Extra Care, as promoted by Government, is fundamentally different in nature to care home provision and that there was no intention to broaden the scope of care home regulations to include Extra Care.

However, there is a very real need for clarity on this issue