Dedicated Paramedic

Ronald Wilkinson 01/10/13 General Housing Topics

In these times of austerity, with an increasing year on year demand for emergency and urgent care services. People living longer and all the associated problems and risk that age brings, a growing obesity epidemic with all the associated risks.

New ways of working are being explored, and research suggests that only 10% of all the calls to emergency ambulances are for people with a life threatening medical emergency, the rest of the calls are for patients with an Urgent Care need, patients that could be and are being safely discharged, treated or referred on scene to the most appropriate point of care rather than being routinely transported to the Hospital.
That said would it not be far more cost effective, efficient and holistic especially within a large housing complex to have a dedicated paramedic, to manage the Telehealth Systems, respond to service users urgent care needs 24/7?
This is just an idea ? but I feel with advancements in Tele-Health, Tele-Medicine and self monitoring this technology supported by the appropriate care team can positively impact on the increasing demand for our services. And help to reduce hospital admissions.