Do you know someone living in a Lifetime Home?

Jeremy Porteus 14/05/13 General Housing Topics

Habinteg Housing Association want to speak to people living in properties built to lifetime home standards. The plan is to write case studies by interviewing people, either face to face or by telephone. These case studies would be used on the Habinteg website and to support media work on the benefits of Lifetime Homes. Habinteg are looking for a range of people, including:
• wheelchair users
• older people, living on their own, as a couple or with adult children/ extended family, showing that the property suits everyone
• ‘last time buyers’, people in their middle years looking ahead to potential future housing need
• a family with young children, showing that Lifetime Home standards suit everyone – for example, parents of twins who have a double-buggy
• disabled people who need the level of accessibility now and future flexibility Lifetime Homes offer, for example, someone with a progressive condition that may mean adaptations in future.

If you know someone who lives in a lifetime home and would be prepared to take part, please contact [log in to view email address]

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Old forum user 15/05/13

Derbyshire Dales built some (2 or 3) about 5 years ago in a village. The local NHS did a health impact assessment which included interviews with the older people who moved into those properties. If I find the HIA, I will send it to you.

Old forum user 16/05/13

Wendy - If you find the HIA, would it be possible to post the document on this thread so others can access it?

Sounds as if it would be a really useful document for a number of people looking at influencing strategic planning.

Old forum user 16/05/13

Google provided the attached.

Associated files and links:

Old forum user 23/05/13

Thanks Lyn - that was the one I was thinking of - and subsequently found but you beat me to it.

Does indicate clearly the health benefits of lifetime homes.