Dubai Real Estate Still Inexpensive though Real Estate Prices Increase 15%

Old forum user 22/11/15 General Housing Topics

The last 3 months of 2015 were slow for the Dubai real estate market, with villas and flats suffering similarly. Loan caps and an increase in transfer payments have not supported the condition. The dropping price of oil has similarly softened the Dubai real estate market’s strength making possible purchasers wary of where they spend and on what kind of investment. With more and more extra divisions being distributed into an already slow market, normally aggressive Dubai property financiers are slower to confirm deals that at one time would have been an easy decision. While the previous quarter of 2015 has been highlighted as slow, the year itself did not see high numbers of sales activity which was puzzling news for a Dubai real estate market that was expecting better outcomes. This year has seen 25,000 new housing units released into the Dubai real estate market with housing building allows remaining unrestricted. This keeps the rental market in the decline as in some circumstances more divisions sit without residents for longer ages. In spite of the state of the market this is a perfect time for end-users to purchase as long as they have access to low-interest rate loans. This is good news for financiers who can make smart investments at low priced Dubai real estate properties and patiently wait for the profit on financing.

Property in Dubai is still considered a hard investment in spite of the softening of the 2015 real estate market. The Dubai land department endures to confirm its governing measures are advanced to protect financiers and customers alike. Real estate corporations in Dubai like ezEstate Dubai are watching the dropping price of oil which will affect potential customer confidence whether financiers or end consumers. Competition to reach fewer purchasers and sellers and a number of new real estate properties on the market, with more on the way, make it a puzzling time for real estate corporations in Dubai. Investment corporations and their servicers see this market slowdown as temporary and have long-term assurance in the market giving real estate corporations in Dubai something to feel positive about; there are ample substantial plans in play and planned by builders for the future.