End of Life Care
I am delighted to have been invited to join the programme board of the independent review of choice in End of Life Care, chaired by Claire Henry, Chief Executive of the National Council for Palliative Care. With an increasing preference for people to be cared for at home, the review will look at a variety of different aspects including what people want, the support they need and the services required to make choice at end of life a reality.
I am pleased that housing has been recognised as a key aspect of the review and, to this end, welcome examples of where at home care and support interventions have made a difference so I can feed this in. Do email me at [log in to view email address]
For more information generally on end of life care and housing, visit our healtwatch pages at: http://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/HealthandHousing/HospitalCarePathways/