Exploring new opportunities for engaging with the health and care market place in Staffordshire
Are you a provider of health and care services, a registered social landlord, or a developer with an interest in designing homes for adults with complex health or adult social care needs?
If so, Staffordshire County Council is seeking your views about additional opportunities and ways we, together with our key partners, could potentially engage with you to help support a vibrant, diverse and sustainable marketplace that can adapt to meet the needs of all care and support users in Staffordshire.
All relevant organisations can complete our survey, whether we currently work with you or not.
Our survey is open until 30 January 2019 on the Staffordshire County Council website and should take only 10 – 15 minutes to complete. We intend to publish the results on the Staffordshire County Council consultation portal and Information for Providers websites.
Thank you in advance for your feedback.
Associated files and links:
Staffordshire provider engagement survey 2019
Viewed: 535 times -
Information for Providers website
Viewed: 394 times -
Staffordshire consultation portal
Viewed: 398 times