Exra care consultants

Frances Jones 29/05/15 General Housing Topics

At Telford & Wrekin Council we are seeking initial expressions of interest from consultants who specialise in extra care housing services commissioned by local authorities. We are looking to secure some additional capacity to support our remodelling programme.

I'd be intererested in receiving recommendations from any local authorities regarding relevant contacts, or from consultants with experience of extra care service remodelling.

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Mark Jermy 30/05/15

Hi Frances,

In response to your request above we would like to express our interest as Halsall Lloyd Partnership, a chartered architectural practice with significant experience of extra care service remodelling, happi audits, independant living for 55+, design for dementia [including interior design, landscape] etc from our Nottingham and Liverpool offices.

We work for a number of clients within this sector including registered providers, local authorities and contractors directly and via frameworks.

Please visit our website 'www.hlpdesign.com'; to view our general practice information in the first instance and I will contact you in the early part of next week to arrange an appointment to discuss your requirement and provide some more specific information in addition to the few examples attached.

Kind Regards

Mark Jermy

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Clive Parker 01/06/15

Frances happy to have an initial discussion;
I run two companies Caresec Ltd and Extra Care Solutions Ltd I advise on all aspects of the model and work across the LA, HA and private sector helping partners review and deliver extra care.

Best contact number is 07970707877

Angela Morrison 02/06/15

Frances, we would be interested in talking through the service you require. Our practice, Quattro Design Architects, based in Gloucester, is working with Wyre Forest Housing Group on the delivery of a large Extra Care and ALD scheme in Kidderminster and also with Lovells for an Extra Care building in Shrewsbury for Wrekin Housing Trust.
We have a large portfolio of capacity studies and built projects for Stroud DC, Forest of Dean DC, South Gloucestershire (Merlin) and Bron Afon where we have assisted our clients in analysing their land holdings and Cat 2 sites to reprovide appropriate housing for older people.

Kevin Goodenough 03/06/15

If you are looking for architects ..... G2architects provides a tailor-made service to all sectors involved in housing and primary healthcare, with a particular interest in designing sensitive environments for older persons.
We have worked on a range of 'sheltered' and 'continuing-care' housing projects with local authorities and RSLs, and developed a new award-winning 'almshouse' for a charity in Bath that is providing extra care services to its residents.
We are currently working with another almshouse charity in London on a major new extra care project, appraising a number of urban and sub-urban sites and developing alternative building strategies to suit.

Contact Kevin Goodenough tel. 0117 972 1105
KevinG@G2architects website www.g2architects.co.uk