Extra Care Development

Angharad Fflur Jones 22/04/15 General Housing Topics


I work for a local authority and we are in the early stages of developing Extra Care Schemes and would be grateful for any responses from anyone to the following questions we have:

1. How many guest bedrooms do you have in your schemes?

2. How is waste managed within your schemes?

3. How do your residents pay their utility bills?

I would welcome any feedback to these questions,

kind regards,

Angharad Jones
Programme Manager

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Old forum user 22/04/15

Hi Angharad

Just a few thoughts but no direct answers to your questions:

Don't think of them as a sheltered scheme with care. Think of them as someone's home within a community so instead of looking for guest bedrooms, maybe have a few more 2 bedroom properties. Or make connections with local B&B providers in the development of the scheme. That way it benefits the wider economy and community.

Given that most people are accustomed to paying their own utility bills then that should continue unless you are going for a communal energy generating scheme or broadband/wifi throughout the scheme. You could be very creative but it will depend on the construction and design. Go wild and built to Passivhaus standards. Show the world it can be done!

Just some thoughts.

Wendy Cocks

Anne Prentice 24/04/15

Hi Angharad
Here in Sunderland we now have 8 extra care housing schemes developed with a further two schemes on site. We have learned as we have progressed through our programme and our extra care scheme developments have evolved through the process.

Much of the process around what is provided within the scheme is dictated by the financial appraisal of the scheme and the requirements / specification of the housing provider who will own and manage the scheme.

We have found that our newest schemes have much less staffing space / offices within the building; they all provide one guest suite and utilities are dealt with through service charges - however, electricity is paid directly by the resident to their electricity supplier. We have reviewed the provision of assisted bathing provision based upon resident feedback and a number of schemes no longer provide this facility. WIth communal facilities we try to provide services which are not available within the local community.

Our design guide is available through the Housing LIN alongside design guides provided by other local authorities. It could be useful for you to take a look through the guides to support you within the scheme development process and learn from others.

I am more than happy to have a separate conversation if you have any specific questions relating to your extra care programme.

I hope this helps..... Anne

Charles Taylor 09/06/15


My opinions only
1. Guest suites are also useful for when a 2 bed flat isnt big enough - visiting families etc

2. Keeping people independent and where possible people can take their own. We take into account access and carrying bags and accessing a 1100l paladin bin. Taylors make one with a small hatch in the top like a wheelie bin. Can people safely access the bin store?

3. Under the new DECC rules residents need to be able to have their own readings so whether hot water, heating or elec you will need metering of all these in new build unless can prove it doesnt make sense economically