Extra Care Homes for Young People

Old forum user 21/01/14 General Housing Topics

I am after some advice. My daughter is 22 and has learning disabilities and mild physical disabilities. She spent 3 years in a residential college in Harrogate learning independence skills. While in college I moved to Manchester from Liverpool with my husband but my daughter wanted to remain in supported accommodation in Liverpool after she finished college in Harrogate to be close to other family members. However, the only accommodation available for her was in a care home with 2 elderly women who have more complex disabilities. I was told that the accommodation was going to be deregistered to supported and that my daughters needs we're separate from the other two women in the house, so I agreed. Unfortunately this has not been the case and I have seen a decline in my daughters skills and motivation. It's heart breaking as she has been grouped with the other two women in the house. I want her to live independently because I believe she has that right and it's what she wants. Are there any housing schemes suitable for young people in Salford/ Manchester I could refer her to? Any advice or help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance....