Extra Care Housing - What is it?

Peter Fletcher 14/01/15 General Housing Topics

We have been asked to update the Housing LIN Factsheet No1 - 'Extra Care Housing - What is it?'


We know that people from a range of very different audiences read this Factsheet as a starter to finding out the basics about extra care as a concept. We are also aware that a lot has changed since we last updated this Factsheet in 2008, including the ending of Supporting People as an identifiable funding pot, the increasing recognition of the need for housing based models for people with dementia, squeezing of both capital and revenue funding, and the growth of private sector and mixed tenure models. So, before we update it we want to ask Housing LIN members for YOUR VIEWS on:
•Firstly, the most important things to pin down about extra care today that we should include in the Factsheet
•Secondly, the audiences that we need to address the Factsheet at; and
•Thirdly, any specific scheme examples you think we should include, with some basic information about the scheme and why we should include it (e.g. design and service model for people with dementia; wider community support role; capital/revenue funding model; tenure mix) as well as your contact details so we can follow it up with you

Please email your responses by Friday 23 January to:

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