Extra Care Housing and Housing Benefit

Old forum user 10/05/11 General Housing Topics

I am involved with Extra Care Housing and write to seek comment / view on the Housing Benefit changes that will impact on ECH.
Given the planned opening of Dudley MBC ECH, we are advised by Housing Benefits that some aspects of ECH will be considered as "commercial" and therefore not eligible for HB. The aspects cited are: -
Shop (even if managed by ECH tenants)
Our estimates for HB were 160pounds per week per Unit. Given the above situation it is likely to be 140pounds per week, this difference has to be met from somewhere in order for the whole system of ECH to be delivered. This will impact on tenants income and Fairer Charging within ECH.
I am further advised that existing ECH schemes will have their HB entitlement reviewed - this must therefore mean in England as a whole.

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Sarah Jackson 20/05/11

Hi Mike, we too have had similar experiences with Housing Benefit not paying for renewal costs of equipment in some areas however not to the extent which you have highlighted above. I'm happy to talk through the issues with you if you want - probably best to understand more about your operating model etc.

My number is 07983 523574
