Extra Care Housing - lift requirements

Kerry Plumb 16/06/14 General Housing Topics

We are considering re-designing a tall block of 61 Council owned flats into an extra care scheme. The ‘Design Principles for Extra Care’ factsheet highlights a requirement for lifts to be 2.4 x 1.8m (in order to accommodate a stretcher). The block of flats in question falls very short of this with 2 lifts at 1.07 x 1.33m. One option would be to make one large lift where there are 2 at present; costs for this would be substantial and also reduce the lift provision down to 1 lift. We were wondering if anyone is aware of any extra care schemes which have had the same problem and if so, how this was overcome. Also, of any ideas that you may have with regards to dealing with this design issue.

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Old forum user 16/06/14

Hi Kerry
I must say that find it hard to envisage a tall block of 61 apartments being suitable for extra care? How many floors are there and how would residents avoid isolation and staff cope with the different levels?