Extra care - all services delivered by one provider

Irmani Darlington 10/05/12 General Housing Topics


I'm a consultant working with a housing, care and support provider in East London, developing their revenue model. Discussions with the local authority are progressing well, but having read through a lot of the technical guidance I am slightly concerned that having one multi-disciplinary team to deliver housing management, care and support, the whole service will be liable to be registered (rather than just the domiciliary care elements). Have other providers had discussions with CQC on this issue or any useful advice?

Kind regards,

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Old forum user 04/07/12

Irmani- We are undertaking the same work in Doncaster.
My number is 01302 736297 if you are able to give me a call, I would like to further discuss

Ian Laight 17/07/12

Good morning Irmani,
I am aware of a good number of Extra Care schemes where there is a single provider for housing management, care and support but residents have the option to use alternative care providers should they wish to, thereby preserving the element of choice that is lacking in a registered care home.
CQC inspectors have also been monitoring the level of care provided as a potential trigger for registration but my impression is that they wish to encourage new Extra Care provision and realise registration would be a red flag to providers, hence they are using their discretion in how to treat EC schemes that have residents with care needs comparable to registered care homes.
The ideal and most acceptable setup at present is for a clear separation of site based housing & care roles plus the option for residents for engage whoever they wish for the care service.

Old forum user 17/07/12

Ian, where abouts are you, please- could we maybe further discuss?
Many thanks
Lynda Bowen!

Ian Laight 17/07/12

Hi Lynda,
I am based in Harrogate and currently working for several LAASCRs, (including Nottinghamshire County Council and City of York Council), plus providers and developers all over England. Happy to compare notes so will give you a call o your 01302 number. My own contact details are:
Mobile 07734 159303
Email [log in to view email address]
Website www.housingresearch.co.uk