Funding for Older People's Sheltered Accommodation

Old forum user 14/03/13 General Housing Topics

As I am sure many of you are aware the supporting people budget across local authorities are being slashed with many services previously funded for sheltered accommodation being cut or scaled back.
I am currently looking into alternative funding streams for Sheltered Accommodation and finding housing providers who are withdrawing from SP support and how they propose to fund their services in the future.
If you any of have any interest in this area or would like to discuss further please contact me.

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Jeremy Porteus 14/03/13

Thank you for your enquiry. We will shortly be publishing our new Technical Brief, Funding Extra Care Housing. This will look at both the capital and revenue issues, and I am sure will also be relevant to those developing and managing sheltered housing.

In the meantime, if you haven't done so already, have a look at the range of resources on sheltered housing on the Housing LIN search enginge. For example, our recent briefing on Making Best Use of our Sheltered Housing Asset at: