Guest Suite Occupancy Levels

Damian Pocknell 04/04/13 General Housing Topics

Dear colleagues,

I am keen to try and forecast the levels of use for guest suites within extra care scheme. Therefore if you have access to such data I would be very grateful if you can reply stating:

1. No. of flats/apartments in the scheme?
2. No. of guest suites?
3. Occupancy levels per guest suite i.e. number of days occupied per year?

Thank you in anticipation of your assistance.

Kind regards,

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Damian Pocknell 04/04/13


should have also asked for the room price?

Andrew Regent 24/04/13

Hi Damian,

I'm not sure you could use my experiences as a direct comparitor as service designs may differ and as you seem to predict size of the overall service and the guest service offered may not be so attractive. We operate 8 extra care services in the eastern region principally of around 30-36 units. The guest service offerred is pretty much use of a room, comprising of a bedroom and intergrated shower room and tea making facilities. The charge is small at around £15 and uptake is pretty poor, on average a couple of days per month.

We had tried to use guest rooms to offer a taster experience for those considering a move into extra care but again take up was poor. More recently we have used these spaces as emergency and planned respite which works really well, offers a better return and supports other funded outreach initiatives we offer to support communities and reduce hosp admissions.


Damian Pocknell 25/04/13

Thank you for your reply Andrew.