HB eligibility for night time care provision

Kieren Johnson 04/02/16 General Housing Topics

With regards to the care and well-being service at the three extra care schemes within our local authority area there will be a charge for residents for the background care night time provision. We are trying to determine if this would be eligible for housing benefit and if so how it has been packaged this to ensure it would be covered by HB? The schemes are both affordable and social rent. I would appreciate any assistance.

Many thanks

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Old forum user 05/02/16

Hi Kieren,

This is something we are working on at the moment. My understanding is that anything to do with care should be paid by the individual or by social services.

However, if part of the night time service is to do with the building - safety, security, concierge, etc this may be eligible for housing benefit.

If you e-mail me on [log in to view email address] perhaps we could share our progress