Happy anniversary!

Jeremy Porteus 29/03/12 General Housing Topics

On behalf of everyone involved with the Housing LIN, can I extend my sincere thanks for your support as we approach the end of our first year outside the Department of Health. Your backing has enabled us to sustain our activities and spheres of influence. In particular, our on-line learning and improvement resources are highly valued; regional meetings recognised for their excellent knowledge sharing and networking opportunities; and, at a time of significant change, we have forged important links with key people and organisations at the forefront of shaping policy and quality in the delivery of housing with care.

Read more about some of our achievements and future activities in our forthcoming enews, Housing with Care Matters, and stay connected with the Housing LIN!

With our best wishes


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Heather Ireland 14/10/12

I think we should be thanking you for the hard work and commitment in providing all the resources that you do, it is all extremely very useful, informative and invaluable information that you have made available to us. Thanks again and keep up the good work!!