Health and wellbeing in sheltered housing

Vikki Guy 14/08/15 General Housing Topics


We are currently carrying out a review of our sheltered housing service, and one of the areas I have been tasked with looking at is our health and wellbeing strategy, and how it can be improved. I just wondered if any housing associations would e willing to share their health and wellbeing strategies, or have any advice?

Would be happy to chat this through.

Many thanks

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Anne Prentice 16/08/15

Hi, it would be worth seeking out information from Department of Health, CCGs and GPs relating to good practice from collaborations with Housing partners. There has been some great examples of sheltered housing schemes being used as community health hubs, joining funding and being innovative around service delivery to benefit residents and the wider local communities. I would suggest reading up on these would be a good start for the work you have been asked to review.

I hope this helps.

Jeremy Porteus 17/08/15

If you haven't already used the search engine on the Housing LIN website, we have a range of resources that may be of assistance.

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