Home for Life

Stephanie Furnes 25/05/12 General Housing Topics


Earlier this year myself in housing and colleagues in Adults, Health and Social Care designed a magazine style publication aimed at older people who are looking to make choices about their lives now and into the future. This may be for those on the brink of older age, who are thinking about their housing options, or older people who are feeling they cannot cope with their present living arrangements. It also provides information about diverse topics – home safety, help with moving home, money, leisure opportunities and other agencies.

We decided to focus our efforts on this area in order to simplify and promote the services that were already available. With an ageing population, and pressure on budgets, we felt that action of this sort would promote more independence, choice and control. We recognise that not all older people would approach the Council for help, and we would want to encourage people to take responsibility and action for themselves.

We wanted to make the document attractive to older people, showing positive images, so that they would be tempted to pick it up and browse.

The magazine is supported by The Home for Life map which is designed to help older people make choices about where they would like to live. It contains information about where to find housing schemes, local GP surgeries, bus stops and local shops. Different layers can be added or removed, such as GP surgery, by ticking the different boxes. A link to the map can be found at http://www.calderdale.gov.uk/housing/housingadvice/advice/housing-choices.html

We launched the Home for Life publication at a local Housing and Health event that we organised and were lucky enough to have the Housing LIN attend and speak. The day was a success with some colleagues from health attending but with plenty more work to do!


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