Housing Associations building larger retirement accommodation

Old forum user 20/07/16 General Housing Topics

I was just wondering if any housing associations have built properties targetting the Over 60s downsizers - those who don't require the support of extra care but who don't want to buy another property and would like to rent a more suitable property.

I have seen some private schemes were family members have bought flats for parents but know anecdotally that renting is attractive to more younger older people too.



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Old forum user 21/07/16

Hello Wendy
You might want to talk to Hanover, which was/is building a downsizing product, though I believe largely for sale.

Old forum user 01/08/16

Thanks Lesley.

Old forum user 01/08/16

Hi Wendy
As a private developer of extra care for sale in the South East I have found that there is still a preference for purchase rather than rental as a rule. In particular family members are often concerned about parents stepping off the property ladder and cashing in with the lack of any real income generating investment opportunities available. I'm sure this will change over time and rental will become as popular but I don't think we are there as yet in my opinion.
