Housing, care and support - proposed qualification structure

Azize Jacklin 31/07/13 General Housing Topics

CIH has been part of a working group led by Asset Skills, to develop a qualification structure for housing, health and care at level 3. The qualification will have units developed by CIH which are designed around National Occupational Standards (NOS) developed by Asset Skills and Skills for Care and Development. A draft qualification structure has been attached for your information. If you require further detail, it is possible to click the links to access further information on the topics that may be included as part of the unit content, but please be aware that these are by no means the final version, and the content is just indicative.

CIH would like you to participate in a quick survey aimed at attaining the market for the qualification, and to help CIH prioritise the order of this potential qualification development. Please can you take the time to read the draft structure and answer the survey at http://cihnews.org/YRX-1IC9L-50WB9N-LNQ3R-1/c.aspx by 9 September 2013.

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Sue Garwood 02/08/13

This is interesting. I notice this covers challenging behaviour but I can't see any mention of dementia awareness. I recently attended a meeting on behalf of the Housing LIN, attended by Roger Keller from CIH amongst others. We all agreed that even in general needs housing, all staff need some awareness of dementia in order to spot the signs, signpost people to appropriate support, and ensure dementia-friendly organisations and communities. We were discussing developing an industry-led framework of core competences for housing sector staff in different roles. Would it also be an idea for this qualification to include a basic dementia awarenes module? We were very clear that the competences need to be tailored and proportionate to the likely level of exposure to dementia, and that different formats for training would be appropriate, e.g. e-learning etc. Sue Garwood.