How to obtain housing excemption from Manchester City Council?

louise Suleman 11/08/18 General Housing Topics

Can anyone please provide me with the contract details of whom to contact?
I have been going around in circles. No one l have contacted in Housing seems to know anything about housing excemptions, for vulnerable homeless.
I am from a Probation background and would like to provide shared accommodation and support for vulnerable adults. I have a few 2 bed properties in Manchester and Salford, of which 1 is almost ready to let.

Any advice will be greatfully received.

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Alistair Bailey 13/08/18

Hi Lou,

Do you mean 'exempt accommodation', I think you probably do and you can search on this term on the web. This will give you some information as a beginning.

I also have a probation background and an interest in prison reform and human rights. We (On My Side CLG) have been recognised as exempt accommodation for a shared house for 6 people with a learning disability in Sussex. The difficulty is not in meeting the terms of registration, but setting the rent and service charges. You can go through the benefits cap as exempt accommodation and so it is beneficial for meeting the additional costs of provision for vulnerable people. There are consultancies who offer support, but charge quite a bit. if you can afford them they may be a worth looking at. First I suggest you clarify what type of provision you wish to make and your governance arrangements.
You can reply to [log in to view email address] I am sorry i don't have a lot of time for follow up support, but this may get you on the right track.

Leslie Kirkham 14/08/18

Hi Lou

I have attached a document well worth reading which explains things from Housing Benefit point of view. It is HB who you will need to prove that you are set up in the way that they insist in order for you to claim that each property is "exempt status".



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Old forum user 14/08/18

Please bare in mind of the age such as

If you're a care leaver under the age of 22. You can get a 1-bed self-contained LHA rate (even if you live in shared accommodation).

or for Former prisoners

If you're 25 or over release from prison is managed under multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA) - Level 2 or 3. You can claim for 1-bed self-contained LHA rate when you rent privately.