IT Classes for Sheltered Tenants

Lisa Jowrey 11/07/16 General Housing Topics

Good afternoon

Hope you are well.

I wonder if you can help me here.

We are looking at delivering IT lessons for our sheltered tenants but have been unsuccessful in finding a suitable person/organisation.

Can you recommend anyone suitable?

Thank you in advance for any help you can give.

Much thanks


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Gill Walton 12/07/16


We have a few IT classes running for tenants and residents in Cumbria but they are all provided by local independent providers linked to the local Higher Ed college

Lisa Jowrey 13/07/16

Much thanks for your reply. I did try this in the past, to no avail but will give it a go again.

Kind regards


Old forum user 18/07/16

Have you tried Barclays Bank Digital Eagles? I think that is what they were called. I work across the North West and have bumped into them at various venues from different branches and they were excellent. They are a good starting point.