Integrated Extra Care flats and residential home

Old forum user 14/11/11 General Housing Topics

I am looking at the need for Extra Care flats in a rural area. By itself, the demand will almost certainly not justify a scheme which is large enough to be viable. Therefore the proposed scheme includs a number of other services, including day centre and health facilities, on the same site and sharing some facilities and having an integrated management structure.
Is anyone aware of an example of Extra Care housing and a registered residential home being provided on the same site, and sharing some facilities and management?

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Anne Prentice 15/11/11

Hi Digby - I am more than happy to talk through the two messages you have posted if you want to give me a call - 0191 5661730. Both messages pose more questions than answers at the minute.... so a talk through might be helpful for you.


Old forum user 15/11/11

Thanks Anne,
I'll certainly take you up on your offer. I've tried phoning already, but got no reply. I'll try again later. If I don't talk to you soon could you call me when it's convenient? I'm available most of the time, but not Thursday of this week.

Digby Bevan
Hwylusydd Tai Gwledig Ceredigion
Ceredigion Rural Housing Enabler
01545 574129