Interior design services

Old forum user 28/02/12 General Housing Topics

We're in a very fortunate position of building a new extra care housing scheme. We don't have an interior designer on the project team and want to ensure that we get the detail right and meet the needs of people with dementia too.

Does anyone have any recommendations of firms you've used before or any advice on specifications to drawing up a suitable design brief?

Lyn Jardine
Planning Officer (Extra Care Housing)
Midlothian Council
0131 271 3668

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Anne Prentice 29/02/12

Hi Lyn
You may find the Sunderland City Council Enabling Design Guide useful - it has recently been updated and although covers all aspects of design, there is reference to interior design and fit out requirements within the document.

Our extra care schemes to date have been designed in a partnership between ourselves and the construction partner - with either the construction partner taking on the responsibility for tendering and contracting an interior designer - or the construction partner undertaking the interior design and fit out themselves. Happy to talk through if you need any additional information - Tel: 0191 5661730 or e:mail [log in to view email address].

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Jerome Billeter 05/03/12

Dear Lyn

The Housing LIN factsheet on the design principles in extra care (No 6) by PRP Architects has a section on Interior Design.

We are also in discussion with them about producing a more detailed factsheet specifically on interior design. This will look at the influence of features, fittings, furniture and finishes in extra care for older people

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Old forum user 08/08/12

Hello Lyn,

I was interested to read this although I realise it was posted some time ago. I'm an interior designer based on the Wirral and have experience in creating designs for extra care housing schemes including dementia wings. I work on a freelance basis and would be happy to discuss this with you if you still require any help.

Kind regards

Zoe Salvidge
ZRS Interior Design
0151 641 9155