Introducing a menu of chargeable services

Old forum user 16/10/12 General Housing Topics

I have been charged with investigating whether the introduction of a menu of private pay services is a viable business option for the supported housing dept of a med sixe RSL in the south west. Outside of SP, this servcie will be available to SH & GN tenants of the RSL. Does anyone have expereince of doing similar? or are doingso at the moment? I would like to set up an email group to share knowledge/challenges/opportunities etc. I am especially interested to know if in doing so, organisations have had to register under CQC? The service will be support tasks rather than care. Regards Gareth

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Jean Bray 16/10/12

Hello Gareth,
I think that Weaver Vale Housing Trust in Cheshire has set up something along these lines offering handyman service and also housing support.
Contact Yvonne Banks
Kind regards

Jean Bray

Old forum user 17/10/12

Hi Jean ,many thanks. I will make contact.Gareth