Learning Set September 20th
My first attempt at setting up the regular HLIN learning set information exchange. As we develop hopefully we can rotate the person who sets off the discussion. Please do not hesitate to start a new thread. The details have also been placed on the Housing LIN Eastern Region forum. In due course I would hope to use this notice board to progress the information.
I have kept a number of colleagues as BCC at present as a proforma has not been returned.
For this briefing I enclose the written statement by Damian Green on the supported housing LHA allowance statement. It would be useful to have some local intelligence as to whether this has any impact on local providers views on maintaining current provision and also if providers are now looking to reinvest in the sector.
I also enclose details of the Learning Disability Technology fund that was recently announced. Closing date for this application is October 28th so time is of the essence if you wish to apply.
?It is pleasing to confirm that Foundations have appointed Tony Molloy to success Alison as their Eastern Region representative. I am sure we will welcome Tony and support his work across the region. Tony is currently at Care and Repair and has previously been a director at Foundations so has plenty of experience to share.
I have asked to join the DFG Champions Facebook Group. Will be interesting to see you much debate is progressed through social media.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/DFGChampions/ ?
Regards and look forward to your responses.
Further to last weeks announcement (15 Sept 2016) by the government regarding funding for specialist housing, one of our clients in the Eastern Region has kick-started a new 60 flat extra care scheme after a 10 month pause.
Awaiting another client's take on the news regarding their 85 flat extra care scheme that has also been on hold since late 2015.