Lifetime Homes

Marney Walker 04/07/12 General Housing Topics

We are interested to know how many local authorities around the country other than GLA have adopted Lifetime Homes Standards for all new build housing as part of their core strategy

We are particularly interested in non-urban, non unitary authorities

Many thanks

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Dan Gaul 13/07/12

Hi Marney

Suffolk County Council strongly support the principle of lifetime homes and have been successful in promoting them through S106 discussions and progressed with district/borough partners. I believe it is standrard that should be widely adopted as a baseline to make sure future generations can remain in their own home longer. Hope this assists. Dan.

Charles Taylor 13/07/12


I undertook a review of HQI space standards and LHS for a client a few weeks ago across the Midlands

I looked at 20 Districts and found a mixed bag. Most interesting to look at re Core Strategy is Bromsgrove DC who stipulate LHS in terms if OP housing. Most significant were

Cherwell and Hereford require 100%
Stratford 50%
Warwick 30%
Gloucester 15%

Of the 20 only 8 included LHS spec.

LHS Is not a mandatory requirement of HCA Design Quality Standards but can assist in achieving Code for Sustainable for Homes but there is a cost increase of course which can get lost in the viability.

Hope that helps
