Meals and Extra Care Housing

Barbara Hobbs 17/02/06 General Housing Topics

We are currently reviewing our management charges/structure for our new developments and are wondering if we should include a daily lunch or 5 lunches per week. I'm keen to learn of members views on provision or non provision of a daily meal. Thank you

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Old forum user 24/02/06

Hi Barbara

I recognise the difficulties in making a meals service stack up economically, particularly if you are doing a cook-from-fresh service rather than using cook-freeze or cook-chill options. However, we feel that including meals within eg a service charge, mitigates against choice and flexibility. A possible way forward which gives some certainty to the provider but leaves the choice with the resident is to offer pre-pay options eg someone block books & pays for a number of weekly meals in advance for a specified period (eg 3 meals a week for 3 months or whatever is practical). You could offer an incentive eg a discount for pre-booking or a premium for paying "on the day", to promote this and build in conditions about whether or not you will offer refunds for meals missed eg due to sickness. Would be interested in your conclusions as viability of catering service is always an issue unless you have other "captive" customers such as a day centre or similar!