Mental Health and Housing

Andy Hanson 25/05/12 General Housing Topics

Iam currently researching how mental and housing organisations can work more closely together. I am specifically interested in how housing organisations can quickly access support and advice from mental health providers as initial research suggest this a problem area. I am also keen to understand how mental health may be more directly integrated into housing organisation functions. Any feed back or example of innovative models would be most appreciated. You can contact me directly on [log in to view email address]. Thank you for your time Andy Hanson

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Julie Thompson 25/05/12

Hi Andrew

I work for Rochdale Boroughwide Housing.

In Rochdale we have a Mental Health Allocation Panel which is made up of all local mental health support and accommodation based providers. Any referrals for support or accommodation based services go via this panel and the most appropriate service provider will, subject to capacity, undertake the assessment. This is a valuable resource and from a housing perspective offers a vehicle for referral, advice, support and services. If you want any further information either contact myself or the chair of the panel Phil Cooper ([log in to view email address]) tel. 017060654583. Hope this helps.

Old forum user 26/04/13

Hi Andrew,

We are T.P Properties and have a wealth of experience in this area...give us a tinkle if you think we can help!