Model contracts and service specifications

Old forum user 26/11/04 General Housing Topics

Halton has an Extra Care Development currently underway. We are finalising the model of facilities management & care / support provision for the development, and are seeking to share information from experienced providers regarding the model/s they currently have in use, and the contract/s which underpin the provision, to help inform our deliberations. I would be grateful if any organisation is willing to share details of model/s they operate and the relevant contract specifications to help us develop an effective, efficient model.

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Old forum user 13/01/05

In Bedfordshire we have a unit for customers with acquired brian injury 18-65's. We have a success provider giving support funded by supporting people. the individual care packages are funded from the care management, sometimes supplemented by ILF. If you are interested I can discuss this with you.

Old forum user 15/02/05


Please drop me an email, and I will share our draft contracts and specs with you if this would be helpful?


Cath McWalter

Old forum user 15/02/05

...and this might help -

[log in to view email address]

Old forum user 26/03/08

[quote]On 15/02/05 at 13:52, wrote:

Please drop me an email, and I will share our draft contracts and specs with you if this would be helpful?


Cath McWalter[/quote]

Hi I would be interested to see your model contract and service spec. I am writing both for 'Community Support@ to include supported housing, day care and community support !!.
Any advise appreciated.