New Policy Papers - Housing & Ageing Alliance

Jeremy Porteus 24/05/13 General Housing Topics

The Housing & Ageing Alliance, who are hosted by the Housing LIN, have published the first 2 of 4 policy papers that to provide a coherent policy response to the critical issue of demographic change and housing.

The first paper looks at Health, Housing and Ageing and makes the case why housing should be high on the health agenda; whilst the second paper considers the economic implications of housing in ageing society and the benefits that can be accrued.

Both papers can be found at

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Brian Warwick 28/05/13

An excellent range of policy papers which the Industry, Government and Local Authorities should adopt. With the closer partnership between Public Health and LA's Adult Care, Housing for an Ageing Society they should become a major key to assisting in improving the health and the quality of life for seniors in our society. Well done Housing LIN for focusing on the desirable benefits that can be achieved by providing housing that meets the aspiration of an ageing society and also the additional health improvements they will achieve.

Brian Warwick, Chair South West Seniors' Network