New Ways of Living in Later Life - Thursday 28th June 2012

Denise Gillie 07/06/12 General Housing Topics

Insights from an exploration of co-housing amongst older people in Newcastle on Thursday 28th June 2012 – 4.00 for 4.30 – 7.00 pm at:
Biomedical Research Building, Campus for Ageing and Vitality

This is the final event in a series of thought-provoking discussions and workshops that have been exploring what co-housing has to offer to older people and whether it can help us to create different kinds of living and supportive neighbourhoods in our later lives. This project is a collaboration between the University of Newcastle, Elders Council of Newcastle, Riseborough Research and Consultancy Associates and the Quality of Life Partnership. Further information is available on To book a place please contact: [log in to view email address]