OFT review of residential property management services

Jeremy Porteus 15/12/13 General Housing Topics

Following allegations raising concerns that some providers may be over-charging customers, providing poor quality services or spending money on unnecessary projects, including in leasehold retirement housing, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has announced this month that it intends to launch a market study into residential property management services for private dwellings in England and Wales in early 2014.

You can access the OFT scoping document at http://www.oft.gov.uk/OFTwork/markets-work/residential-property-management/#.Uq2a7zaYbak and are invited to email any comments on its proposed remit by 17 January 2014 to [log in to view email address]

You may also be interested to know that the Housing LIN is also updating its Techical Briefi on mixed tenure in Extra Care Housing, due Spring 2014