Respite and day care in Extra Care schemes

Ian Laight 25/04/13 General Housing Topics

One of my clients is considering the use of Extra Care schemes for respite and day care, with these purchased by the Local Housing, Social Care or Health Authorities from the ECH operator, preferably on an ad hoc basis.

Is anyone currently purchasing or providing respite, day care or intermediate care in ECH schemes and, if so, who is purchasing these and under what arrangements?

All replies appreciated.

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Old forum user 26/04/13

I know Liverpool Healthy Homes team have adhoc arrangements for people who can't remain in their own home while work is carried out. Contact Ian Watson at Liverpool

Old forum user 26/04/13

I have also been in a meeting where some RPs have choked on the idea of adhoc tenants for fear of creating a tenancy agreement they can't get out of. Needs flexibility on everyone's part to work. For the older person, it may be the opportunity where they realise that sheltered housing or extra care is not the disaster or the end of life as they imagined it. Could be a way of promoting schemes.

Just a thought

Ian Laight 26/04/13

Wendy, thanks for the response, I will get in touch with Ian at Liverpool and very much agree re your comments on using adhoc occupancy as a way of promoting schemes. Why shouldn't respite tenants stay on permanently, surely that's a good thing.

Anne Prentice 28/04/13

Hi Ian - you might find the following link useful which shows the Sunderland approach to using extra care accommodation for reablement / intermediate care.

If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Ian Laight 29/04/13

Anne, thank you for this. I will read the Sunderland info through and let you know if I need anything further.

Alison Golby 30/04/13

Hi Ian
Devon County Council leases a flat from Guinness Hermitage in one of our extra care schemes on a rolling 6 monthly basis that we use as a respite/shortbreak type 'pathway flat'. A number of our placements in the flat have gone on to become permanent residents.


Ian Laight 30/04/13

Thanks Alison. I am getting the feeling that respite use has to be a long term commitment rather than an 'ad hoc' arrangement with scheme operators.