SHOP Workshops

Jeremy Porteus 05/06/13 General Housing Topics

Dear Colleague

There are just a few places remaining for the SHOP workshop on 25th June in Birmingham, supported by the Housing LIN.

'How can we use Market Position Statements to influence our local housing supply for older people?' will help you as a commissioner to answer these questions:

- Why is housing relevant to the health and wellbeing of older people?
- What do you need to know about demand and supply for older people’s housing locally?
- What does good practice look like in terms of service models and the balance of services?
- How can you facilitate local supply to meet need and demand?
- What should be included in a MPS to actively facilitate the supply of suitable housing for older people?

This workshop builds on the success of the Housing LIN/ADASS Strategic Housing for Older People (SHOP) Resource Pack, written by the Institute of Public Care (IPC).

More information including a booking form, for this and our other SHOP workshops can be found on the IPC website at: