Setting supported living accommodation
I am desperately looking for advice on how to set up supported living accommodation using private landord. Do I need to register first with CQC?. I have landlords willing to rent out their properties in Birmingham. I would very much appreciate any ideas you can possibly share with me.
If you are not going to be providing personal care you don’t need to register with CQC. What sort of group are you looking at accommodating?
Thank you Pauline for your response. The group I am thinking is, adults with mental health and learning difficulties. We may come across some who may need minimum help with personal care I am not sure as this is my first time to get involved in such a process.
Hie Phoebe
,I’d suggest you register with CQC as mental health and learning disabilities are considered as vulnerable persons and like you say you might come across personal care it’s best to be CQC regulated. Semi independent living for care leavers does not require CQC registration if you wish to go that route x
Hi Pauline
Thank you for your advice, really helpful.
Hello Phoebe
The attached link will take you to the CQC Guidance document. My advice would be to talk to your local CQC office about your individual scenario.
You might also consider speaking to local Housing Associations who may be willing to work with you to meet accommodation needs as well as private landlords. Housing Associations are regulated by the HCA( Homes and Communities Agency) and must meet decent homes standards whereas private landlords are currently unregulated.
The Government have recently published their response to a consulation regarding houses of multiple occupancy for private landlords too.
Hope this helps
Associated files and links:
CQC Guidance on Registering the Right Support
Viewed: 2706 times
Hello Steve
Thank you for your response, very helpful.
You are welcome Phoebe. Good luck on your endeavours. If you need a chat you can email me [log in to view email address]
Hello Steve
I’m in the process of setting up supported living accommodation for care leavers through a private landlord. Does my landlord need to speak with HCA? If so how do they contact the HCA?
Dear Steve Sinnott,
I find your information really beneficial but wonder how one can contact Local Housing Associations and private landlords who are willing to meet the accommodation side of the supported living scheme.
I am considering setting up one and would like you to shed more light on this.
Kind Regards
Hi, I am in the East Yorkshire region and am also interested in how to get started in the realms of supported housing for young care leavers and/or young parents, any support, information and advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, I have a four bed property in the Birmingham area and want to set up a 16+ semi independent accommodation. I would be very grateful Grateful for your help and advice about how to go about this, what qualification/experience do I need, how would I get the referrals, how much ciuldcI charge, basically any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Hi, am in the north west area, and interested in starting up supported living for People with learning disabilities. Anyone who can help with advice , policies and information around dealing with housing associations. Thank you my contact email is below
[log in to view email address]
mob 07972938398
Hi I am in the same position as Phoebe and would love some help, advice and guidance.
Where do I start?
I am interested in starting up supported living for adult care leavers. Anyone who can help with advice , policies and information around dealing with housing associations. Thank you my contact email is below;
[log in to view email address]
Has anyone had any success with setting up there service? I’m in the process of setting up my supported living accommodation and I could do with some advice.
Does anyone have the following policies for semi supported living.
These are the policies we need:
- Equality and diversity workplace policy
- Health and safety policy
- Safe recruitment policy
- Bullying and harassment policy
- Discipline / dismissal and grievance policy
- Business continuity policy
- Complaints policy
- Training development policy
- Confidential information policy
- Policies on whistleblowing / protected disclosures
- Smoking, drugs and alcohol policies
- Safeguarding policies
Hi Mehul,
If you are providing supported living to the adults groups there are a lot more policies and procedures you will need this is just a quarter.
You also need to make sure the policies and procedures are bespoke to your company and service and not generic nor "Classroom in a book" type policies both CQC and the local authorities have refused generic policies.
I hope this helps.
I have been putting my supported living service together for about two years, I am now up and running with four clients. I can provide all the above policies for a competitive price
My colleague is also running a work shop the 29/02/20 teaching people how to start up their supported living service, this includes support with CQC application process
Anyone interesting can email me for further information
You don't have to register with CQC but you have more chance of getting clients if you have your CQC registration
Anne-Marie Harrison
I am interested in the work shop, where are you based, I am in the North West Manchester area.
Anne-Marie Harrison . I am also interested in set up supported living for care leavers age 16 -21 , I am currently working with care leavers from a year, I need to know what qualification and experience required to set up supported sometime explained already regarding cqc required if personal care whom I should contact first n step by step, I live in Berkshire .
Anne- Marie,
Have you read the Forum Rules about selling your service?
This forum is for giving advise only and not for selling your service.
Hi All
I currently run a supported accommodation in West Yorkshire looking to expand.
If anyone would like to contact me to discuss possible collaboration I would be interested and willing to support and help.
Please contact me
Hi Anne Marie Harrison
I am interested in your policies and workshop if could forward your email please
Thank Amrit
Any help appreciated.
I have recently set up a supported accommodation service with 12 rooms in one building. Each room has own bathroom and kitchenette (stuidos). I currently have 7 referrals/clients - 4 from a local homeless charity, 3 from another support service. Clients suffer from depression/ anxiety others recovering from addiction.
I have now moved clients in to my service and want to apply for HB from LA. These clients however, have come from different boroughs to which the Accommodation is. Would this be a problem in receiving exempt HB? I am aware I need break down of housing and care cost. When should this be presented? Can I apply for HB on behalf of clients?
Clients have been in their rooms for a week now and have been receiving support from support workers but without HB. My organisation is non profit however I cannot afford to keep clients for more than 3 months without receiving their HB.
Again, any help appreciated
Hi Anne-Marie,
I would like to attend the workshop.
Please let me know about the location and time.
I intend to extend my house in South London to startup the support living accommodation.
It doesn't matter what other boroughs your clients' come from because they are now in your accommodation in your borough therefore it shouldn't be a problem. The Exempt Status would be you as a landlord to meet the criteria upon the care and support your clients is receiving from you. Without Exempt Status you can have problem with rent shortfall. Your clients can also get other help from the your council to cover the gaps in rent.
Your clients should have claimed HB from the day they've moved in. You can assist your clients claiming housing benefit they will need to sign the form unless they lack capacity it'll become complex but easy to sort out. The housing and care cost breakdown should have been provided to the council when your clients moved in but you can still do so once you kick start their HB. When your clients claim their housing benefits they need to put the date they've come to live in your accommodation. I would have a guess your clients have their "Tenancy Agreement" that will need to be provided to the council also.
I would advise you to assist your clients claiming their housing benefits as soon as possible so that they do not become homeless again. The HB process can take a little time to finalised.
Hope this helps
Hi Ann-Marie, I would love to attend the workshop as well, let me know details. I will be out of the country from March 30th till November, so hope it will be within that time frame or facilities available to join on line
Jackie John
Hi Anne-Marie,
I would like to attend the workshop. Please let me know the details.
Kind Regards,
Hi Anne Marie any information on the Workshop? thanks
Hi Ann-Marie, I would love to attend the workshop as well,I know the date is over however if you have any more dates coming or any other way if you can help me to set up a supported living facility much appreciated. let me know the details
Jose Joseph
Hi Anne-Marie
Are you able to post details of the workshop please?
Thank you
Can you let me know when the workshop taking place and where?
Hi, this is a very interesting thread. I'm a parent. I have a 3 bedroom house currently occupied by tenants. I would like to set it up to accommodate my son. How can set this up as a supported living? Is this possible? Is there anything i need to do?
It depend what your terms of rental are for your tenants? How long have they been living in the property? There are everything need doing to set up a supported living. Policies and procedures, forms report, house need to be compliant etc. What is your son criteria to set up a supported living for him. The council will look at very angle why you cannot support your son at home yourself and why he needs to be in a supported living accommodation.
Two main things to look at your tenants 'Tenancy Agreement Terms' and your son risk assessment health plan.
I hope this helps