Setting up a supported Living business

Helen Kolawole 28/06/18 General Housing Topics


Can anyone help me in setting up supported living for people with learning disabilities. Does anyone know what the legal requirements are to start it up? I am a general adult and child nurse please.

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Old forum user 08/07/18

Hi Helen,

I work in the community and assist with supported living for people with learning disabilities, mental and know of all the required guidance, regulations, policies and procedures you need to put in place to start up.

Old forum user 26/07/18

Hi I am also interested in setting up a supported Living home for young people and would appreciate any help.

Old forum user 26/07/18

Hi Vivien,

I give advice for supported living care start-up my email

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Old forum user 08/09/18

Hi Vivien please could you give me any advice for setting up supported living for care leavers 16+ I have done my business plan worked in residential and education but any advice would be much appreciated.