Sheltered Housing Furniture replacement
Hi All - does anyone have experience of replacing their sheltered housing furniture? we are about to go through this exercise but are struggling in what to put in the spec and what standard the goods should be.
Hi Les,
There are different ratings for different materials and pieces, for example, curtains need to be treated or inherantly fire rated fabric, any upholstery would be beneficial if it were to be contract rated. What are you specifically are you looking to replace?
Kind regards,
The IAD Company
We recently refurbished a sheltered scheme and used a firm who specialise in this furniture. We did a full consultation with tenants where they brought down a selection of chairs (twice if I remember right) for tenants to try, with colours matching the new theme. It is good quality furniture so not cheap but was worth it.
Duncan (WKHA)
Thanks Duncan. one of the issues is that we have to obtain three competitive quotes. we are struggling in what to put in the spec (apart from the usual fire standards etc). Tenants have told us what they want but it's putting this in a spec which reflects materials and coverings as the supplies all seem to offer different products.
Hi Rebecca,
its mainly tables and comfy chairs to furnish the communal lounges for when they reopen some time next year (hopefully). The tennats use this to relax, socialise, play games etc. The dinning room furnishings are much easier to spec up.
Hi Les,
I'm trying to think of tips we can give you to help.... If your tenants have given you an idea of what they would like, have you included an image in the specification? You can state that the image is a desirable look that you would like to achieve for the supplier to run with and propose a solution.
It also helps if you have compiled a board of images that can be gathered using Pinterest and compiled on one pdf sheet, again as a mood/visual that would help furniture specifiers understand what you are looking to achieve.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,
Hi Les,
The Housing LIN's Factsheet no 34 "Can Interior Design Improve the Quality of Life in Extra Care Housing?" should be helpful. Please find attached
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Can Interior Design Improve the Quality of Life in Extra Care Housing?
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Can Interior Design Improve the Quality of Life in Extra Care Housing?
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Many thanks for your replies.