Shops (and other business activity) In Extra Care schemes

Old forum user 09/11/04 General Housing Topics

Does anyone have any positive solutions when it comes to shops (or other 'business' activity in extra care schemes relating to Business Rates. We have a scheme that has a facility that has a Business RAte assessment. This makes it very difficult to provide a service which is cost effective (as it is relatively small scale) nor attractive to normal businesses. I would also like to hear from anyone who has sucessfully established a social enterprise for the delivery of extra care services including the provision of food.

Thanks Harry

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Alex Billeter 25/11/04

ExtraCares retirement villages feature a grocery shop and café bar managed by volunteers (usually residents). A hairdressing salon and membership gym are run by qualified staff. Villages have been exempted from business rating, as a result of negotiation and close partnership working with local authorities.

Therefore, it is possible to offer business rate exempt services within extra care schemes but the opportunity to do this depends upon close working with the council when establishing the service. We have not gone down the route of formally establishing a social enterprise.

Melanie Howard
ExtraCare Charitable Trust
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