Tender by Surrey C.C. for Extra Care + Housing Management at Mitchison Court

Damian Pocknell 17/01/18 General Housing Topics

Dear colleagues,

I just wanted to share this latest tender opportunity.

Surrey County Council (SCC) is seeking a provider to deliver:
~ 24hr housing management C
~ CQC registered support
across 39 units of which Spelthorne BC, working with SCC, have nominations rights.

Care delivery 7:00 to 21:00 is 320 hrs a wk. From 21:00 to 7:00 a worker supports all residents with emergencies as part of tenancy agreements, separate to care and support delivery hrs. Of the 320 hrs, SCC purchases 200 “block” and 70 “spot” to meet assessed needs. 50 hrs are privately purchased.

The Care Services Contract duration with SCC is 7 years (3 year term with a max. of 2 extensions of up to 2 years each). The provider will also enter into a Housing Management Contract with NHHT (site landlord) as their agent.

The procurement will be conducted under the Light Touch Regime in accordance with Regs. 74 to 76 PCRs 2015. SCC has designed a process incorporating features of the Open Procedure with tenders to be evaluated with a view to awarding contracts for Care and Housing Management Services to a provider.

Tender Deadline: 12:30 hrs on 19/02/2018

May I wish you every success in developing your bid for this opportunity.

Kind regards,
Damian Pocknell

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