Warden call systems

Nigel Andrews 03/10/13 General Housing Topics

We are currently looking to replace some of our warden call systems from the traditional hard wired to dispersed alarm units.
I would be very grateful if you can reply stating:

1. Have you done this, and if so what were the strengths and weaknesses?
2. Were these block schemes or bungalows?
3. What did you do in terms of tenant consultation?
4.Where tenants given the option of opting in or out of the warden call system?
5.If you went for dispersed alarms, how did you incorporate communal areas, door entry and smoke detectors?

Many thanks for your assistance

Nigel Andrews
Tenancy Support Services Manager.

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Tahir Idris 06/10/13

Hello Nigel,

I've been there and it's quite a task as I'm sure you have realised.

I'm pushed for time at the moment but if you want to drop me an email at [log in to view email address], I would be happy to give you some insight on the issues you need to be aware of before proceeding.

Take Care til then,

Tahir Idris

Old forum user 08/11/13

We have not done this , but one of the issues is am aware of is the impact on communal spaces ,and where some tenants do not have a telephone line to enable a dispersed system. Other issue is the front door release mechanism and how this does / can work with a dispersed system . Some alarm systems have the integrated smoke detectors - this would be a problem with dispersed alarms . Some tenants who are good with bills are at risk of their unti being disconnected . Risk needs to be consdired against the type of scheme and profile the scheme has .