ousing support planning for older people

Dan Monks 21/08/15 General Housing Topics

Hi I'm in the process of developing a new housing support policy and procedure for an almshouse charity that sepcialises in sheltered living for over 60s.

Do any of you fine people out there have any examples of good care and support policies, procedures and any actual suport plans that I may be able to look at?

Google is great but I'm finding myself inceasingly frustrated by the irrelevance of most of the search results and could do with some good, solid examples.

so in short I'd like to see examples of:
- Housing Support plans (minus resident information of course) for older people
- Housing support policies for sheltered/ older residents
- Other examples of good practice, innovative ideas for low level support and the promotion of independent living.
- online resources that you feel may help

feel free to respond on here or at: [log in to view email address]

Many thanks in advance for any help or assistance, you're all great!

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Jerome Billeter 21/08/15

Hi Dan - Have you had a look at our Housing LIN report 'Transforming almshouses for the 21st century'?

If not, you can find it under the link below.

Best wishes

Associated files and links:

Dan Monks 24/08/15

Great, thank you! :)