support charges

Old forum user 11/11/05 General Housing Topics

We are currnently reassessing our support charges (housing-related) and costs for our extra care schemes. Our charge is £23.68/week at the moment which is Supporting People grant eligible. Can anyone else out there let me know what your housing-related support charges are so I can get a feel for "averages" (aprreciateing that we arent necessarily comparing like for like) thanks Sue

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Old forum user 07/03/06

Hi, we are just building our first extra care retirement shared equity scheme (40 flats). We will levy a service charge and a support charge. The support charge has been set at £20 per week. It could be useful to set up benchmark comparisons with anyone else happy to share this info. Regards Susan Battison Saxon Weald 01403 226080

Alex Billeter 30/03/06

Many members of the Housing LIN responded which was very much appreciated. However, it has been difficult to pull the responses together, even to make very broad-brush conclusions, given that there is such a huge variation of charges amongst providers.

I have summarised the responses below (quite crudely I have to say!) but I am happy to discuss in more detail should anyone wish to contact me directly. Please be assured I will respect confidentiality of all those who responsed.

Summary of responses
· Lowest charge mentioned = £3.65/week
· Highest charge mentioned = £102/week
· Some providers charges vary, depending on level of needs (usually categorised into low, medium and high).
· I have assumed that of the responses received, these are only housing-related support costs , and do not include service charges (building-related) or any personal care charges
· Of the 40+ responses received, I have broken down charge levels into 6 main groups:

Below £10 = 3 responses
£10 - £14 = 3 responses
£15 - £20 = 8 responses
£21 - £30= 11 responses
£31 - £40= 5 responses
£41 - £50= 1 response
£51 - £60= 5 responses
£61+= 6 responses

Sue Lewis
Head of Supported Housing Services
Pennine Housing 2000
Tel: 01422 284547
Mobile: 07720 560389
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Old forum user 29/06/06

Very interested to see the huge variety of costs in this area. We are currenlty paying £15.55 in one scheme.

Would also be interested to look at care comparison costs